With the focus system I am adding I am forcing team play for victory and I am also forcing individuals to think up creative build orders strategies and tactics. I am trying to create something unique that will force players to change and adapt there normal way of playing melee matches. Also why is the diamond back a protoss unit when it clearly is terran. The infested protoss model is available on the hive workshop as well :p I know where you got it from.
It honestly isn't that hard to add unit in the editor to you map. I am also focusing on creating different tech tree relative to each faction within the actual game play with unique spells and special abilities. Basically I know that I will have units that no other expanded map will have. In fact for the past 8 months I have been developing a melee evolved mod file which uses all of the units available as well as custom created units mad in 3ds max. This isn't revolutionary or original because there have been several maps that used the campaign and deleted unit models with in the mod.